Located at The Hive Youth Hub - 5011 - 50 Ave Main Street
Tel: 587-201-1924

The Child & Adolescent Mental Health Collaborative aims to increase use of local mental health programs, improve support and resources for families and local youth programs and schools and mend the gaps in mental health services for the children and adolescents in the Bonnvyille area. Any donations made go directly to families for further programs or assessment needs that will support their treatment goals.
If you would like to make a donation to The Bonnyville Child & Adolescent Mental Health Collaborative please contact Kendra at 587-201-1924

Thank You
Thank you to the family of Craig Fraser for their donation in memory of their son.
"There are no goodbyes. Where ever you'll be, you'll be in my heart."

Thank You
Thank you to The Town of Bonnvyille and The Festival of Trees for their kind donation.